CTT, Dott and Investbraga bring Braga Bookfair to the online platform

2 de Julho, 2020

CTT – Correios de Portugal, in a partnership with Dott and InvestBraga, brings the 29th Braga Bookfair to the online platform, opening doors to the rest of the country, mainland and islands.

To minimize any contamination risks, Braga’s City Council and InvestBraga chose to adapt the 29th Braga Bookfair, to take place next July 3rd, to a digital environment. They chose CTT and Dott as business partners.

This initiative aims not only at helping the companies to sell their products, in this case books, but also at entitling access to all Portuguese people to this type of trade in a quick, easy and secure way. It is a way of helping to promote a traditional event that this year must be different due to the current Covid-19 pandemics situation.

According to João Sousa, CTT’s member of the Board, “CTT is helping companies that were deeply affected by this pandemics current situation to sell their products, and all Portuguese people by delivering these products to their home (…) We are very honoured to participate at this 29th Braga Bookfair, this year on a digital basis”.

“Dott is from the Portuguese people to the Portuguese people. Therefore, we are proud to present the 29th Braga Bookfair not only to the Braga citizens, but also to all the country that could not physically attend this Fair due to the pandemics. We are also helping bookstores to join the digital, facing it as an additional sales channel and helping the economy, even without physical customers”, stresses Gaspar d’Orey Dott’s CEO.

Carlos Silva, InvestBraga’s member of the Board of Directors, states that “the platform will use a street view technology, where the visitor is invited to travel through Braga city and choose the store he/she wants to visit, at the fair’s usual places. By doing that, he/she is invited to the platform’s digital store and buy the items and have them delivered at home”.

By using the Street View technique, the visitor will be able to choose his/her favourite bookshops or find his/her favourite places. The online sale, available to all booksellers, bookstores and editors, will be made at the Dott platform. The event will take place as of July 3rd and will end on September 3rd. CTT is the company liable for the delivery.

The 29th Braga Bookfair also has a cultural streaming program with various contests, the offer of hundreds of books and some interviews with national and international authors, such as Richard Zimler, Isabel Stilwell, Afonso Reis Cabral, the Spanish Ildefonso Falcones and Manuel Vilas or the Brazilian Adriana Lisboa.

CTT and Dott are committed in supporting their customers and companies, enabling the economy to keep flowing and small producers to have the possibility of selling their products, and the Portuguese customers to be able to continue buying them, at home.

With this initiative, CTT supports digital literacy and presence of local producers that otherwise would not have access to the tools provided to sell their products. CTT, mail express and parcels company, is liable for the logistics and delivery process of the products sold at this marketplace, of which it is founder. CTT is aware of its role in the maintenance of the communication and logistics channels, vital to the Portuguese society and economy. This role is even more important in the current context, also supporting companies in the digital channels through their solutions and services.

Dott is the major online shopping in Portugal. It works as a pure marketplace with the catalogue and stocks of the selling companies to present the products to its customers. From Portuguese people to the Portuguese people, Dott is more committed than ever in helping to bring to the online channel all retail small and medium companies, enabling them to sell their products in this marketplace. To do that, Dott has a team dedicated to help companies to sell their stuff as quickly as possible. All this process may be concluded on the same day. On the other hand, initiatives like these also enable Dott to offer the Portuguese people their favourite brands.

Investbraga, the Braga Economic Booster Agency, promotes the economic development of the region. By attracting investors and entrepreneurs, and with innovation as one of the its main features, this agency invests in the city’s credibility as a national and international business partner. InvestBraga wants to put Braga in the investment, entrepreneurship and innovation main areas.

CTT, Dott and InvestBraga are implementing mitigation measures regarding Covid-19 and following all recommendations from the competent authorities to protect employees and customers. The three also appeal to a strict compliance of the recommendations issued by the Portuguese General Health Department.

The Braga Bookfair is available as of July 3rd at Dott.pt.